We are hearing from two 'farewell discourses', one from Jesus and on from Paul. The words of Jesus this afternoon are the same words from the gospel this past Sunday where he is praying to the Father on the eve of his crucifixion and death. Paul is speaking to the priests of Ephesus telling them that he will no longer be a physical presence in their lives for he is going on and he is sure to run into much persecution.
This allows us to get a glimpse into the undercurrent of Paul's whole personality and ministry. Paul was a man who was quite aware of the people he was ministering to and proclaiming the gospel to. He knew that these people were not going to easily understand his message or willingly allow him to convert not only them, but their fellow man. Two chapters later in Acts, Paul will find himself arrested in Rome and, from there, the rest is history.
Within the content of Paul's speech to the priests, he makes it clear that he never shrunk in proclaiming the truth of the gospel; he never shrunk in proclaiming Jesus Christ to all people and to be his witness.
Paul's words here need to be a meditation and a point of reflection for us. We too need to be as Paul and not shrink in our witness to the gospel. This is not easy though in our lives. We all have family and friends who are not as strong in the faith as we or do not believe at all and we desire to please them by not being the witness we are called to be. We are often afraid to rock the boat and cause waves; we cannot let these fears rule us. We have been called to be the voice of God and this is a task that cannot be shrunk at any cost.
May the words of Paul be in our minds and hearts. May we slowly gain the courage of Paul and never allow anything to keep us from proclaiming God to all people.
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