Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Homily 2013

As we get older and as people come in and out of our lives, our rhythms and patterns fluctuate, and we’re never really the same person from year to year.

Adults, think back to when you were children and how you celebrated Christmas with innocence and perhaps a sense of naivety, how relatives would fill the house and how smells of food and the cacophony of laughter and ruckus would linger for hours. Now bring yourself back to the present and think about how much life has changed, fluctuated, the people who have left or gone to be with the Lord and those people who are now in your life - spouses and children and grandchildren. You would have never imagined all the details as they have played out.

Children, cherish the joy this Christmas season brings. Truly spend time with your brothers and sisters, give your parents and grandparents a kiss, tell people you love them and laugh with great joy. Really remember and understand the true source of the joy that comes into our world and lives this time of year.

Naturally, this time of year conjures up a longing nostalgia of the past, an anticipation of love in the present and a hope that it will all be sustained into the future.

There’s nothing wrong with that, it is the rituals and traditions of our lives that help give us meaning and purpose to what we do and celebrate.

That brings us to Christmas…

In our lives, these fluxes and changes, the good times and bad are all revolved around unchanging truths, facts and realities: joy, family, hope, friendship, God, salvation…

For so long, people of good will, people who genuinely wanted and desired the fullness of God in their lives longed for this celebration we have every year. For millennia, people who understood this incompletion of ourselves without God, labored through life with little hope of anything more than an eternal darkness. Now, finally, the invincible Lord Jesus has come into the world and darkness will no longer have claim on our souls. The Lord has arrived on the scene and an Epic Tale now commences! We are given, not merely a nice feeling, but the substance of Salvation! From that day onward, humanity would be celebrating the joy, hope and love of that great birth!

What we do tonight, tomorrow and these days ahead is gather in love with family and friends in carrying out this joyous victory of the birth when the King of the Cosmos humbly was born in obscurity, but had a magnificent plan up his sleeve!

The people, environment, and circumstances of our lives change over time. Often we get teary eyed as we get older and as we long for the nostalgia of days and people past. But, we keep returning to this celebration each year in the hope that rests in our hearts. We hope that the promises, realities, and love of Almighty God may be realized again and again in our relationships with each other and with the Lord and in our worship.

The infant is alive and born into the depths of our hearts at Christmas. We celebrate and gather every year in similar yet ever changing ways to recall what never does change, to celebrate what we hope to see and grasp a little better each time. Next year, we will be different. But what will always be the same is the Lord Jesus who is born within the temples of our hearts and souls, begging you to love Him and bring that love into all relationships and all places you go.

Merry Christmas!